7 Reasons to Elope

Who doesn't love a good wedding, honestly? It's a great way to celebrate the love between you and your significant other. Weddings can get really crazy, and if you're not into big events, like myself, then you probably should elope. If you want to, it's totally A-OK, here's why!

1. You're probably, most likely, definitely too broke for a wedding. 
I know I am. Weddings can cost over $29,000. I don't know about ya'll but I don't have that kind of money laying around to spend on just one day. I'd rather spend $29,000 on my honeymoon. #debtfree

2. Your family is not to fond of your relationship.
Ha, welcome to my life! My family strongly disapproves of my relationship with my fiance, but ya know what?! I don't care! I really don't! So instead of having a big wedding with 100 plus people who will just bicker back and forth I'd rather have an intimate one with my spouse and our witness of choice ( one who definitely approves of our decision)! 

3. Just thinking of all the planning makes you want to pull your hair out.
If wedding planning doesn't make you want to curl into a hole and hibernate till it's all over, you're not human! Just thinking of everything goes into planning a wedding makes my head spin in all different directions! Save yourself the stress! You'll thank me later 😉

4. Only your opinions matter.
It's true! Forget what everybody else has to say. It's you getting married, isn't it? 

5. Your vows are your vows.
No need to try hard to be extra funny, smart or romantic. Just be yourself and say whatever comes into mind. Wanna bring up an inside joke or a funny memory the both of ya'll had? Go ahead! There's no judgement! 
6. It's more romantic.
It's just the two of you, and your witness. No extra people, no bridesmaids or groomsmen. Just the two of you standing next to one another embracing the journey you're about to take. 

7. You can focus more on the honeymoon.
Why spend over $29,000 on your wedding  you can spend it on your honeymoon and go all out! Go somewhere exotic! Hawaii, Alaska, Mexico, wherever the place, indulge! 

Take the next step and do what you want to do! Make your day about you and your spouse. Enjoy every minute of it! Happy wedding ya'll! 


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