Talk about a rough day today! My day started off as any regular day- Jarrod waking me and the baby up in the morning while he is getting ready for work. I hate when he does this, how hard is it to be quite in the morning? Anyways, so I had to Jordan (my 10 month old son) into bed with me. Back to bed we went, and woke up at 10am. Rise and shine world, the DeGroat's are up! :) And it all begins. I make him a bottle, I grab myself some coffee and cereal and turn on Sprout TV for Jordan. The most peaceful and quite part of my day. I wish you could gave seen the enormous pile of dishes in the sink- it was like Mt. Everest! No, I am not exaggerating. It was awful. It took me about 2 hours just to wash the dishes. And I hate washing dishes, thank God for dishwashers, right? As I was putting everything away in the cabinets there was in particular that was way to packed and just needed to be cleaned out. I must mention Kathy has had a mouse problem in the house.... While I was rearranging and cleaning out the cabinet Jordan was yelling at the top of his lungs ! Instant headache. I gave him some Gerber Puffs (peach) and apple juice that Jarrod and I bought the other day from Walmart. And then there was peace and quite again- and mouse shit in the cabinets. God, I felt like I was going to puke my brains out. It was everywhere and of course I had no gloves. FML. Anyways I ended up throwing all of the Tupperware out that were in the cabinet. Bleached it all down and viola- all clean! Yay me!!! Mopped the floor with bleach. Jordan ended up falling asleep. Hallelujah. Back to washing dishes I went. And doing our laundry. I was overwhelmed and tired by then. I still had a lot to do. Finished all of my chores, sat down and watched Orange is the New Black on Netflix until stink bug woke up from his nap. He took quite the nap. As soon as he woke up I changed his diaper using Seventh Generation Free and Clear baby wipes and Huggies Little Movers diaper ( size 4) and put on a Carter's (size 12 months) orange onesie. Fed him lunch, bottle, and water in a sippy cup. By this time Jarrod came home. He comes home, smokes some ganja and goes to bed. And now here I am, sitting on the rocking chair, writing on my blog, while watching Scream Queens on FOX ( every Tuesday at 9pm) and Jordan is screaming his head off because he is tired and won't go to sleep. This child fights sleep like no other! I have a pounding headache and I feel so disgusting. Just wanna hop in the shower, lay in bed, go on Crowdtap for a little bit and then turn on Netflix and continue watching Orange is the New Black. I'm going to try Seventh Generation Free & Clear Baby Wipes - free of alcohol, fragrances, parabens and dyes, and with the performance and comfort of cloth. Join the new #GenerationGood community and you might be selected to try products too! www.generationgood.net.#FreeSample About Seventh Generation baby wipes: Specially designed to care for baby and planet, Seventh Generation Free & Clear Wipes deliver the clean you need with the gentle care your baby's skin deserves. Free from fragrances, parabens, phthalates, alcohol and dyes, these wipes are also good for hands and faces and hands that go on faces (and in mouths)!


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